SEP 2024

Our recent work on engineering E. coli W to consume sugarcane molasses faster has been published in Microbial Cell Factories [Article]. Congrats to Gi Yeon!

Dr. Yong Hee Han was appointed as an Assistant Professor @ Biological Science and Technology, Chonnam National University. Congrats!

Jimin Song, Min Ha Kim, and Junhee Jang join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Jimin, Min Ha, and Junhee!

JULY 2024

Prof. Seo gave a talk at the 2024 SNU-HU Joint Symposium (Sapporo, Japan).

Prof. Seo gave a keynote talk at the 2024 European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB) (Amsterdam, Netherlands) [LinkedIn].

JUNE 2024

Our recent work on developing a translation-level tunable CRISPRi system has been published in Nature Communications [Article][Press-KOR]. Congrats to Giho!

Our recent work on engineering Vibrio natriegens for the conversion of brown macroalgae into isopentenol has been published in Bioresource Technology [Article]. Congrats to Yungyu!

Prof. Seo gave a talk at the 2024 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) (Atlanta, USA) [LinkedIn].

APR 2024

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the 2024 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE) Spring Meeting (Jeju, Korea).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the 2024 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Spring Meeting (Changwon, Korea).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the 2024 SynCell Asia workshop (Shenzhen, China).

FEB 2024

Congratulations to Yong Hee on receiving a PhD!

OCT 2023

Giho won the oral presentation award at 2023 KSBB Fall Meeting! Congrats Giho!

JUNE 2023

Yong Hee won the Daesang poster presentation award at 2023 KMB Annual Meeting! Congrats Yong Hee!

MAY 2023

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, UC Riverside (Riverside, USA) (Host: Prof. Ian Wheeldon and Prof. Robert Jinkerson) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Biological Design Center, Boston University (Boston, USA) (Host: Prof. Ahmad (Mo) Khalil and Dr. Joshua Finkelstein) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT (Cambridge, USA) (Host: Prof. Kristala Prather) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Tufts University (Medford, USA) (Host: Prof. Nik Nair) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UC Irvine (Irvine, USA) (Host: Prof. Nancy Da Silva) [LinkedIn]

APR 2023

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UCLA (Los Angeles, USA) (Host: Prof. Jun Park) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA) (Host: Prof. Julie Champion) [LinkedIn]

Our recent work on the development of tunable CRISPRi system in E. coli has been published in Nucleic Acids Research [Article][Press-KOR]. Congrats to Gibyuck!

MAR 2023

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Institute of Genomic Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Urbana, USA) (Host: Prof. Huimin Zhao) [LinkedIn]

Our recent work on the characterization of the newly isolated Rhodotorula toruloides LAB-07 for cosmetic applications has been published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal [Article]. Congrats to Junyeob! 

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware (Newark, USA) (Host: Prof. Mark Blenner) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Princeton Bioengineering Initiative (PBI), Princeton University (Princeton, USA) (Host: Prof. Jose Avalos) [LinkedIn]

Our recent review on synthetic biology tools for engineering Corynebacterium glutamicum has been published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal [Article]. Congrats to Gi Yeon and Jinyoung! 

Hyeonwoo Mun, Junsu Jang, Chanju Kang, HoJoon Kim, and Yoo Jeong Kang join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Hyeonwoo, Junsu, Chanju, HoJoon, and Yoo Jeong!

Feb 2023

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Bioengineering, Rice University (Houston, USA) (Host: Prof. Jeff Tabor) [LinkedIn]

Our recent review on programmable synthetic biology tools for developing microbial cell factories has been published in Current Opinion in Biotechnology [Article]. Congrats to Yong Hee and Giho! 

Jan 2023

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark (Lyngby, Denmark) (Host: Dr. Michael Krogh Jensen) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Center for Synthetic Biology, Imperial College of London (London, UK) (Host: Dr. Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK) (Host: Prof. Lisa Hall) [LinkedIn]

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Center for Synthetic Biology, University of Washington (Seattle, USA) (Host: Prof. James Carothers) [LinkedIn].

Dec 2022

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2022 YABEC conference (Online).

Nov 2022

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2022 AIChE conference (Phoenix, USA).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, Arizona State University (Tempe, USA) (Host: Prof. Xiaojun Tian).

SEP 2022

Prof. Seo works at UC San Diego as a visiting professor for a research sabbatical leave (until July 2023).

Seongjun joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome Seongjun!

MAR 2022

Dr. Jeongchan Lee (a KIURI postdoc @ Bio-MAX) works with our lab for dye production. Welcome Dr. Lee!

Keonwoo Kim, Dawon Seo, and Hyeon Jin Kim join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Keonwoo, Dawon, and Hyeon Jin!

Nov 2021

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2021 YABEC conference (Online).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2021 AFOB Virtual Conference (Online).

Oct 2021

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2021 Cold Spring Harbor Asia (CSHA) Synthetic Biology (Online).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2021 KRIBB Conference (Daejeon).

Sep 2021

Dr. Jina Yang was appointed as an Assistant Professor @ Chemical and Biological Engineering, Jeju National University. Congrats! 

AUG 2021

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2021 Microbiological Society of Korea Meeting (Changwon).

APR 2021

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2021 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Spring Meeting (Jeju).

MAR 2021

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2021 Korean Metabolomics Society Meeting (Jeju).

Our recent work on engineering Vibrio sp. SP1 for the production of carotenoids directly from brown macroalgae has been published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal [Article]. Congrats to Sungwoo, Sung Won, and Yungyu!

Junyeob and Yoo Ho join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Junyeob and Yoo Ho!

FEB 2021

Our recent work on developing a synthetic protein quality control system has been published in Nature Chemical Biology  as a cover of April issue [Article][Press-KOR][Press-Eng]. Congrats to Dr. Yang and Yong Hee!

OCT 2020

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2020 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineer (KICHE) Fall Meeting (Online).

SEP 2020

Geunyung joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome Geunyung!

JUNE 2020

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2020 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Spring Meeting (Online).

APR 2020

Our recent work on transcriptional profiling of E. coli Nissle 1917 under simulated microgravity has been published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences [Article]. Congrats to Jaeewoo and Sung Won!

MAR 2020

Jinwoo Song, Sukjae Han, Jinyoung Kim, and Giho Kim join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Jinwoo, Sukjae, Jinyoung, and Giho!

Prof. Seo has been promoted to Associate Professor at School of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Seoul National University.

JAN 2020

Our recent review paper on engineering tools for lactic acid bacteria has been published in Biotechnology Journal [Article]. Congrats to Sung Won!

NOV 2019

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at the 10th Symposium on ​Innovative Bioproduction Taichung (iBioT 2019). (Taichung, Taiwan).

OCT 2019

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2019 Asian Synthetic Biology Association (ASBA) Meeting (Chengdu, China).

Prof. Seo gave a talk at Cold Spring Harbor Asia (CSHA) Synthetic Biology Meeting (Suzhou, China).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at JBEI (Joint BioEnergy Institute).

SEP 2019

Mincheol joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome Mincheol!

AUG 2019

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2019 Synthetic Biology Young Scholar Forum (Tianjin, China).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Daesang.

JUL 2019

Our recent work on complete genome sequencing of lactic acid bacterium Pediococcus acidilactici ATCC 8042 has been published in Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering [Article]. Congrats to Sung Won!

Prof. Seo gave a talk at Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XXI (Mont Tremblant, Canada).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2019 14th Asian Congress on Biotechnology (ACB) (Taipei).

JUN 2019

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2019 KMB annual meeting and international symposium (Jeju).

Our recent work on developing fast-growing synthetic microbes for the biorefinery of brown macroalgae has been published in Nature Communications [Article][Press]. Congrats to Sungwoo!

MAY 2019

Our recent review paper on synthetic biology for evolutionary engineering has been published in Biotechnology and Biofuels [Article]. Congrats to Dr. Yang!

Prof. Seo was selected as a representative of Korea for 2019 ASPIRE (The APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education) [Website][Press].

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering at POSTECH.

APR 2019

Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center for Future Technology supports our collaborative research with Prof. Lee at POSTECH on the development of biocontainment system (Role: Co-PI) [Press].

MAR 2019

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at LG Chem.

TaeHyun Kim joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome TaeHyun!

FEB 2019

Prof. Seo gave a talk at the 7th annual Winter Q-Bio Meeting (Honolulu).

JAN 2019

Prof. Seo gave a talk at the 9th International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering (ICBE) (Newport Beach).

NOV 2018

Prof. Seo served as a local organizing committee at 2018 Asian Synthetic Biology Association (ASBA) in Jeju [Website].

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2018 YABEC conference (Taipei).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2018 iBioN conference (Nanjing).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2018 Korean Society of Industry and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC) Fall Meeting (Jeju).

OCT 2018

Prof. Seo hosted 2018 SNU Bioengineering Symposium at Hoam Faculty Housing.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Systems Biology at Yonsei University.

SEP 2018

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Energy Science and Technology at Myongji University.

Jaewoo and Jongwon join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Jaewoo and Jongwon!

AUG 2018

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis.

JUL 2018

Prof. Seo gave a talk at the 43rd Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Congress.

JUN 2018

Yong Hee successfully defended his master thesis. Congratulation!

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2018 Daesung Haegang Microbes Forum (2018 대성해강미생물포럼) [Press].

MAY 2018

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Biotechnology at Yonsei University.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2018 Korean Society of Industry and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC) Spring Meeting (Daegu).

MAR 2018

Yungyu Lee and Gibyuck Byun join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Yungyu and Gibyuck!

JAN 2018

Prof. Seo gave a talk at 2018 International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering (ICBE) (Singapore).

NOV 2017

Prof. Seo gave a short interview on synthetic biology [Press].

OCT 2017

Prof. Seo gave a talk at 2017 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineer (KICHE) Fall Meeting (Daejeon).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Biological Sciences at KAIST.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2017 YABEC (Young Asian Biological Engineers' Community) Symposium (Xi'an, China).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2017 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Fall Meeting (Busan).

SEP 2017

Gi Yeon Kim joins our lab as a graduate student. Welcome Gi Yeon!

JUN 2017

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST.

MAY 2017

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Sookmyung Women's University.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Biological Sciences at KAIST.

Prof. Seo has been awarded Miwon Commercial Young Scientist Award (미원상사 신진과학자상) in 2017 Korean Society of Industry and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC) Spring Meeting (Gwangju) [Press].

MAR 2017

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 7th UK-KOR Synthetic Biology Symposium (Yonsei University)

Sung Won Cho, Beomhee Kim, and Hojun Lee join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Sung Won, Beomhee, and Hojun!

DEC 2016

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2016 iBio-P symposium (Busan).

OCT 2016

Prof. Seo gave a talk at 2016 Korean Society of Industry and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC) Fall Meeting (Jeju).

Prof. Huimin Zhao from UIUC gave us a fantastic talk of his research on Oct 12th at SNU.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Biological Sciences at KAIST.

SEP 2016

Prof. Seo gave a poster presentation at 2016 International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) (Barcelona, Spain)

Yong Hee Han and Sungwoo Park join our lab as graduate students. Welcome Yong Hee and Sungwoo!

AUG 2016

Prof. Mattheos Koffas from RPI gave us a fantastic talk of his research on Aug 11th at SNU.

Prof. Seo has been selected and supported by SNU Creative-Pioneering Researchers Program [Press].

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Chemical Engineering at Kyung Hee University.

JUL 2016

Prof. Seo gave a talk on 2016 SNU-UT Joint Workshop for Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering (Tokyo, Japan).

Dr. Jina Yang joins our lab from BK21 Plus Program in School of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Welcome Dr. Yang!

Prof. Seo gave a poster presentation at 2016 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) (Chicago, USA)

Prof. Seo gave an invited lecture at 2016 Biophysics Summer School at POSTECH (

JUN 2016

Prof. Seo gave a poster presentation at Metabolic Engineering XI (Awaji, Japan).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 6th UK-KOR Synthetic Biology Symposium and 2016 Korea Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (KMB) Annual Meeting (Daejeon).

MAY 2016

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Chemical Engineering at POSTECH.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Chemistry at Hanyang University.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at Department of Genetic Engineering at Kyung Hee University.

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2016 Korean Society of Industry and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC) Spring Meeting (Yeosu).

APR 2016

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2016 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineer (KICHE) Spring Meeting (Busan).

Prof. Seo gave an invited talk at 2016 Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Spring Meeting (Gyeongju).

MAR 2016

Prof. Seo gave a talk at Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Pusan National University.

Prof. Seo has been selected and supported by SNU Invitation Program for Distinguished Scholar.

Prof. Seo joins School of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Seoul National University as an Assistant Professor.